स्वावलम्बन विकास केन्द्र

Profile of 01. Jeevan Bikas Samaj

Jeevan Bikas Samaj (JBS) works in seven districts of eastern Nepal with the vision of 'Poverty free Nepal'. Established in 1997, it works in the field of poverty alleviation and empowerment of the marginalized. Delivering microfinance services and credit plus program to the disadvantaged groups, it aims to improve their socio-economic status through various programs. Jbs has been providing community development programs through technical education and vocational training on topics of education, health, sanitation, income generation, women empowerment, value chain activities and development of skilled human resources.

Head Office Address: PO Box 272, Katahari-1, Morang,Nepal

Telephone: 021-661792, 021-538462

Fax: 977-21-440050

Email: info@jeebanbikas.org.np

Website: http://www.jeevanbikas.org.np

Key Contact Person: Ms. Ribol Devi Mandal

Designation: Chairperson

Telephone/Mobile: 9802796004

Email: jbs.ramesh@gmail.com
