Institute of micro-finance and cooperative development.

Regional Conference on 3 Zero Club Concludes in Koshi Province Amidst Six Point Agreement to end Poverty, Unemployment and Net Carbon Emission

A conference with the aim to completely eliminate three burning issues prevalent in today’s world which are poverty, employment and net carbon emission by brining youths in decision making role through the promotion of 3 Zero Club concluded in Biratnagar of Koshi Province on April 17, 2024 ( Baishak 5, 2081).   The Conference unanimously endorsed a six-point agreement formulated during the conference.  The youths present in the conference developed a solidarity to prioritize various activities to end poverty, unemployment and net carbon emission  and various organizations and individuals expressed their interest to support and assist youths enrolled in the 3 Zero Club.

As per the commitment made during the Conference priority will be given to improve and enhance the capacity of the members, develop annual action plan of the club, mobilize youths for community development, implement campaign for youth self-employment and poverty alleviation, create awareness on the importance of microfinance as well as  financial literacy, create incubation center, prioritize waste management, tree saplings plantation, stop youth exodus,  expand creativity among the members of the Clubs as well as devise strategies and actions so that members of the Clubs are involved in enterprises through linking them in income generating activities.The Conference was organized by Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. Honorable Chief Minister of Koshi Province Mr. Kedar Karki was the chief guest. Similarly, Honorable Mr. Yogendra Mandal, Member of House of Representative, Mr. Shankar Man Shrestha, Chairman of Centre for Self-help Development and Mr. Jeewachha Prasad  Gachchhadar, Chairman of Dhanpalthan Rural Municipality, Koshi Province, Morang were the special guests.
The Three Zero Clubs are spread in 54 countries with a total of   3120 registered Three Zero Clubs where Nepal has registered 2004 Three Zero Clubs and Bangladesh has registered 176 Three Zero Clubs. In Nepal Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd has registered 945 Three Zero Clubs.
Addressing the conference Chief Guest Honorable Mr. Kedar Karki said, “The youths should not be satisfied with status quo but look for change. Those satisfied with status quo are followers and not leaders. In order to look for solutions to solve pressing issues prevalent in our society, we should be a change makers. Similarly, we should change others and work with each other to bring synergic effect in order to solve the overarching issues of carbon emission, poverty and unemployment.”

Honorable Mr. Yogendra Mandal, Member of House of Representative, said, “Our priority should be to end unemployment, poverty and create zero net carbon emission. As a member of house I have found out that the members of the house are of two categories- one type of members are focused on their petty interest and do not care about how to tackle the issues of the country and the other type have the motivation and are willing to solve the problems of the country but do not have a capacity to implement. Youths have the responsibilities to help and guide the second types of members.”
Mr. Shankar Man Shrestha said, “The concept of 3 Zero Club was envisioned a decade ago by Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate who founded the Grameen Bank but came into fruition during the 11th Social Business Day organized in July 2021. Youths are the major 

power for socio-economic transformation of the country but youths are not used for productive purpose. Youths should focus in socio-economic transformation and used as a change agent. Youths should have ethics, character and principle in order to transform their society and the country as a whole. We should also prioritize on ‘Learn and Earn’ in schools in order to create self-employment among the youths. I expect that by 2040 Three Zero Clubs should be spread all over the country. The momentum created by Three Zero Clubs can fix the issues in the country. We will also organize a National Convention on 3 Zero Clubs.

Mr. Jeevach Kumar Gachchdar, Chairman of Dhanpalthan Rural Municipality, Morang District of Koshi Province said that the Three Zero Clubs will raise issues like carbon emission, unemployment and poverty that needs instant intervention and therefore the future of Three Zero Clubs are very bright because they can act as a  change marker in addressing these issues.
Mr. Sanjay Kumar Mandal, CEO of Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd, said, “If we properly utilize the concept envisioned and propounded by the Three Zero Clubs then only we will be able to reap proposed benefits. Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha will take a lead role in promoting, facilitating and developing 3 Zero Clubs.”
One of the major highlights of the Convention was cultural programs where folk songs as well as other popular songs and various dances were performed in their ethic attire.
Knowledge as well as personal experiences on zero poverty, zero unemployment and zero net carbon emissions were shared by key persons, deputy key persons as well as other members of various Three Zero Clubs. Honorable Member of House of Representative, Mr. Yogendra Mandal, Honorable Member of Parliament of Koshi Province Mr. Rishikesh Pokharel and Secretary of Forest and Environment of Koshi Province Mr. Bishal Ghimire facilitated the thematic sessions. Similarly, Ms. Puja Bishwas, Chairman of Climate Justice and a government school teacher and Ms. Manisha Jha, entrepreneur who returned from Australia after forfeiting her Permanent Residency status also shared their experiences and their achievement made in their field.

Similarly, top five Three Zero Clubs having played the role of facilitating in the formation/creation of maximum number of other Three Zero Clubs were also felicitated in the event.
In the conference a total of 350 participants representing Three Zero Clubs, various school as well as policymakers and practitioners of MFIs and MFCs graced the event.



