Institute of micro-finance and cooperative development.

4 day Entrepreneurship Development Training Completed

With the aim of spreading entrepreneurship in the community by making the poor and underprivileged self-reliant and entrepreneurs through microfinance finance institution (MFIs) and microfinance co-operatives (MFCS), The Center for Self-Help Development (CSD) has emphasized on the developing capacity of microfinance practitioners for the past 2 years. This campaign is aimed to make prosperous microfinance and microfinance members and strength the capacity of MFIs & MFCS. The “Entrepreneurship Development" training was held from Mar 31st to Apr 3rd, 2024 (18th to 21st Chaitra 2080). 20 employees from 13 different organizations have been trained under this program, which was participated by the branch managers and field staffs of MFIs and MFCS.

The training program was organized to enhance the skills and abilities of branch managers & field staffs and to inspired microfinance members to engage in income-generating activities. It is also expected that by developing entrepreneurship among the members, the sustainability of the branch and organization will be strengthened.
On the occasion of the training program, Mr.Bechan Giri, Cheif Executive of CSD, opened that microfinance institutions can only be sustainable if they develop their each and every members as an entrepreneurs, Consequently he informed that the center has been focusing on entrepreneurship development among MFIs & MFCS and this program is  an another event for the same initiated. He also requested all the participants to apply the skills learned during the training period on their working area.

On this occasion, the Director of the CSD and the head of the training department, Mr.Satish Shrestha, informed that the entrepreneurship development training was designed according to the concept of securing the loans disbursement from the organizations and ensuring payment of MFIs & MFCS. Furthermore, he stated that the loan will not be secured until the members become an entrepreneur. Mr.Shrestha viewed that microfinance institution and microfinance staff should develop their members as an entrepreneur for their own sustainability & secure future.

The four-day training program was facilitated by Assistant Director of the CSD Mr.Sopan Bista, Senior Officer Ms.Renu Prajapati, Officers Mr.Chandra Kanta Pandit and Ms.Bigya Gyawali.
On that occasion, theoretical and practical knowledge was given on the importance of entrepreneurship, current situation of Nepal on entrepreneurship, selection of enterprises and entrepreneurs, information about successful and unsuccessful enterprises as well as entrepreneurs, classification of enterprises and entrepreneurs, businesses selection methods, etc. were covered during the training period. In addition to this, information about determining the cost of goods, the market and its influencing factors to affect the product & costing, the potential for entrepreneurship at the local level, the differences between the branch managers and an entrepreneurial branch manager, process of business planning for sustainable enterprises etc. were also comprehensively explained.

The second day of the training, the participants were divided into 6 groups and conducted a field visit to observed & study the business project of the members of Manushi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstah LTD. Kathmandu. On the final day of the training, business planning activity was done with the data extracted from field visit.

This training will teach microfinance staff to make their members entrepreneurs as well as suggest members about their business conditions, help them to promotion business, suggest to select potential and sustainable business/enterprises, develop entrepreneurship in existing enterprises, helps to increase yield, ensure market and obtain high value for their product.

After the training sessions, the participants mentioned that they learned the skills and knowledge to know the microfinance members and their enterprises, ongoing business, understand their conditions and assess the possibilities and challenges seen in the business. Furthermore, they learned that it is possible to make the members entrepreneurs in a planned manner and secure microfinance investments.
They further stated that this training is very relevant & vital to overcome from the current situation of MFIs & MFCS. The participants convey their opinion that if every microfinance institution works with entrepreneurship development as a priority, the mis-understanding about the microfinance in the society will disappear.
As part of the entrepreneurship development campaign started by the center, about 1000 microfinance staff have received entrepreneurship development training and around 10 thousand members have been provided skill development training in partnership with different partner organizations.

