Institute of micro-finance and cooperative development.

CSD Organized a Two day Field Visit and Interaction Program for the Implementation of the Action Plan of Nepal Country Forum

With the aim to expedite the implementation of the Action Plan of the 14th Social Business Day, Nepal Country Forum, the Centre for Self-help Development (CSD) initiated a two day program including one day field observation of activities under the Action Plan   and one day interaction on the lesson learned from the field observation in Biratnagar, Morang from November 26-27, 2024 participating 31 official members from 15 different Microfinance and Cooperative. They observed best practices and activities under the action plan of the country forum carried out by Jeevan Bikash Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. (JBLBSL) and Jeevan Bikash Samaj. The visiting team also had Interactions with the beneficiaries, members, community peoples, and staffs of the JBLBSL.

The team was acquainted with the concept and operation of the different innovative activities of JBLBSL such as the "Children's Study Centers ", which is supporting in the education of the children of poor families who are devoid of proper care for their study at home as their parents are illiterate and have to work extra hour  to eke out income, the "Learn and Earn" program, which is successfully capacitating the school age children through injecting entrepreneurship from their early age and a voluntary support program to build the house for the hardcore poor in its area of jurisdiction.

The team were also familiarized with the entrepreneurship development initiatives of JBLBS in Betauna village of Dhanpalthan where JBLBSL has been promoting cow farming pocket area for raising high yield cow breeds like Holstein and Friesian and supporting farmers with all essential technical supports including shade and dietary management, medical and insurance support and also market assurance of their milk and by- products such as cow dung and urine. Members who did not had any income source before are now making minimum Rs. 15 thousand profit in a month from a single cow.
Similarly, the visiting team also got familiarized with the waste to energy plant where JBLBS and Jeevan Bikash Samaj initiated a clean energy Bio-gas plant of 3 thousand cubic meter capacity with investment of Rs 76,000,000. The plant collects raw materials from its clients and farmers. It is currently producing 150 kg Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) per day which is used to replace firewood in the milk chilling in the dairy and hollow block Kiln and also sells in the hotels in Biratnagar city. The plant is also producing 350 KG organic fertilizer per day which is getting Rs. 20 per kg in the local market after branding and packaging. These are the social business activities of Jeevan Bikash Samaj to assist the community people.


Exhibition of Project Model of 3zero Club

The team also joined and observed Net Carbon Emission Exhibition event conducted by the Jeevan Bikash School in Dhanpalathan 7, Kadamaha participated by the 3zero club members from 6 to 9 grades. As the given task, students prepared and presented the project models with their own creation, efforts and investigation.  The presented project models showed clear message on sources and impacts of greenhouse emissions, emission reducing techniques, green technology and green enterprises, sources and effective use of clean energy, impacts of climate change and ways to develop adaptation and mitigation practices, greenery promotion approaches, waste to energy techniques and so on. The club members briefed on their projects and also addressed the queries of the visitors. 
A total of 12 such model projects were presented in the exhibition among which top three were selected for the award after being evaluated by five jury members of the visiting team. Mr. Shankar Man Shrestha, Chairman of CSD handed over the prizes to the team members of the winner projects. On the occasion Mr. Shrestha said, "The children have inspired us. I have not seen such level of talent, understanding, and creativity in children studying even in urban schools. I appeal all the student to work in the future with same kind of spirit and contribute for the social change. If microfinance practitioners brought youths in the fore front in their jurisdictions, we can easily achieve the goal of new civilization." Mr. Shrestha also thanked the staff of Jeevan Bikash School for providing opportunity to become active and aware to tackle such a burning issue globally.
On the occasion, Sanjay Kumar Mandal, Chief Executive Officer of Jeevan Bikash Laghubitta Bittiya sanstha Ltd. encouraged the students to take the added responsibility for keeping the earth balanced and safe since children have to live on the earth longer than the old generation.
During the visit, the team also informed about dairy company and milk chilling plants that JBLBSL has initiated for developing market assurance for its clients. The Jeevan Bikash Dairy Pvt. Ltd. which has 12,000 liter milk chilling capacity per day collects milk from 50 cooperatives and produces curd, ghee, ice-cream, condense milk and other dairy products under its own brand.

Similarly, 300 bed Jeevan Bikash hospital project, which is currently under construction, initiated to provide affordable quality health services for the poor and disadvantaged communities from rural areas, Montessori education for the poor and marginalized children, Human ATM as smart digital banking service in the rural area and similar other initiatives  promoted by JBLBSL were also observed during the visit.
The team also had an interaction with the branch staffs of Amahi at Dhanpaltha 2, and with top level management of the JBLBSL at the head office. During the interaction the team was informed about the operational process of the organization, programs enacted as credit plus activities, client protection programs and mechanisms reaching the hardcore poor.     
On the second day, participants were involved on the review of the field observation and discussed on how to move forward in implementing the action plan passed by the 14th Social Business Day, Nepal Country Forum. Each participant also shared his/her experiences, lesson learnt from the field observation and how to use them for the benefit of the client and target communities. On this occasion, Mr. Shankar Man Shrestha, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Social Business Day, Nepal Country Forum, said that the excellent examples of social business were seen during the visit.  He said, "The activities and efforts made by Jeevan Bikash Laghubitta may not be complete. There are also things that need to be improved. But the examples about what microfinance institutions can do in the society has become clear to all the participants." In the context of organizing this program and its relevance, he said. "We have committed to implement the 11 point action plan formulated by the 14th Social Business Day, Nepal Country Forum. This visit and interaction program was initiated to give a glimpse on how the action plan could be implemented in a simple way if we are committed to the mission and reduce it to bare bones. Therefore, the overall objective of the program has been achieved. In my opinion, field visit and interactions must have helped us in developing the notions of doing something for the society and the country as a whole.  Whether to do it or not depends on the individual as different ideas, understandings and thoughts are everywhere. We have to think above self and do something for the poor and disadvantaged in our society."

Participants also presented the achievements of their respective organizations in relation to the work plan of the 14th Social Business Day, Nepal Forum. In addition, they expressed their commitment to implement most of the best practices and ideas learned and observed during the program.
